Cellerciser Triple Tiered
Urban Rebounder
Jumpsport Bungee
Lymphaciser rebounder
This is a rebounder ONLY for the Health Bounce. 52 gram springs allow for super shallow bounces. NOT for heavy people.
Go to my Lymphaciser review
New Zealand Lymphaciser
ReboundAir Rebounder
Needak - 92 gram springs
The Cellerciser Pro
This is a 360 degree full wobble rebounder. Triple tiered springs adjust to person's weight. 106 Gram springs give highest G force.
Go to my Cellerciser review here
The Bellicon Bungee rebounder
The Bellicon rebounder is my favorite rebounder for doing cardio and jogging with super low ballistic impact. Great for toning and cardio.
Go to my Bellicon review here
The Urban Rebounder is a high quality jogging rebounder and cardio. I do not recommend this for the lymphatic Health Bounce. For those with knee problems check first.
Go to my Urban review here

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Scam Watch
Beware of getting the older model Cellerciser. There are several places on the internet that have bought the older Cellerciser at a discount and selling it as the latest model. Picture of older Cellerciser spring and the New one. They are both the same length but the new spring is digitally tempered and has dual silver coats and all have the equal tensile strength.
Urban Spring - Single Tier
Tapered - very hard - Best spring for jogging - I don't it for the Health Bounce
Needak rebounder
The Needak Soft Bounce Rebounder
is the softest rebounder when jumping high. I love its high yield strength. My 2nd favorite rebounder.
Go to my Needak review here
The Rebound Air rebounder is a great lymphatic rebounder. I only use this for the Health Bounce. Springs are short barrel type. 88 gram springs. I never jump high on this.
Go to my ReboundAir review here
The Jumpsport Bungee rebounder is similar to the Bellicon but no where near the quality. Made in China (no offense to my Chinese friends). Try this at Costco if nearby.
Go to my Jumpsport review here
The Lympholine is the rebounder that has the least inversion due to its shape. This is tied on the Health Bounce to the Cellerciser. Springs break but they are cheap to replace.
Go to my Lympholine review here
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Needak Spring - Single Tier
Tapered -  92 Grams on the scale
very quiet - soft bounce
Cellerciser Spring - Triple Tiered
Silver coated - Digitally tempered - super quiet - softest bounce - 106 g
88 grams - Single Tiered

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Lymphaciser Spring - Single Tier
Tapered - 54 Grams on the scale
very hard but not jarring

Lympholne Spring - Single Tier
Very Low Bounce - Spring loaded legs make up for tiny springs

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Guide to choosing Lymphatic Rebounders

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