Health Bounce Notes:
Note: Moving too much lymph rebounding can leach more toxins than the liver and gall bladder hand handle. I urge people to look into lecithin. This is the most important thing I have found. I only use sunflower lecithin to. I don't find it necessary if one's liver is in good health.
Note: A more constant force is more important than higher G force. But, that force must be strong enough to open up the one way lymph valves. A rebounder that ONLY keeps a person in the air less or NO LONGER than 3/8ths of a second is what is required to do the proper Health Bounce.
Note: almost all sick poeple have a health challenge due to poisoned blood (sludge blood). If rebounding too long or at too high of an intensity a healing crisis can occur and toxic blood that was not purified by the liver can be dumped back into the body.
Note: 20 minutes will usually move 80 teaspoons of lymph on a heavy G force rebounder. To move this many lymph turns the bar is mandatory to land 100% on the heels.
Note: I urge people not to jump for 30 minutes doing the Health Bounce at first. The waste should when dumped into the liver at intervals. Once the gall bladder fills u with a full tank of bile again, it is better to do split sessions.
Note: losing fat is not about burning calories. When the toxins leave the fat, the fat cells aren't holding on to wastes and therefore shrink. Rebounding helps change the body composition without "burning calories" when doing the Health Bounce.
Note: many people have swelling and a really sluggish lymphatic system. If you think your lymph nodes are already clogged up let me know. Remember, release then remove. NOT remove then release. Rebounding if not released yet can give problems. A poor lymphatic system cannot process the waste like a healthy person can and taking steps for lipolysis should be mandatory. I have a hard time selling a rebounder to someone if they have lymphadema or major lymphatic issues and not willing to at least learn the theory behind what issues can happen if done wrong. What usually happens is even more inflammation. Also, these are fat soluble toxins and drinking lots of water cannot flush them.
Note: Although organic sunflower lecithin is the most important thing I have found to help with the Health Bounce, I am assuming people are taking an aggressive probiotic (ones with a high L. Plantarum count). Different rebounders will move different amounts of Lymph. The Cellerciser has the highest G force at the 2 inch level without jarring and although the Lymphaciser gives more bounces per minute, it has way less G force. The Needak has fewer bounces per minute than the Cellerciser but has less G force. The bungee rebounder does a poor job at keeping the negative pressure up so the one way valves can pump 4 teaspoons of lymph to the liver. Being airborne stops this flow. The only way I found to get more G force with a bungee rebounder is buying the stronger cords and putting 2 cords on each hook. You do have to change out cords with latex cords more often unless you get synthetic cords but synthetic cords really smell like rubber. I do not like off gassing or any type of emissions from anything I buy.
For really lightweight people, the Lymphaciser is my favorite and for heavier people the Needak is my 2nd favorite and the Cellerciser my first. The Cellerciser is the most expensive but you don't get off gassing or nylon or rubber at all.
Take my Rebounder Quiz. I will help you choose the right rebounder based on your answers.